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More BTR's!

Illness88 and his brother Gizoo worked together to make the BTR-40 model and texture for us. We liked it so much that we asked him to make us another variant the, BTR-40A. While the basic BTR-40 has no permanent armament, the BTR-40A is heavily armed, with twin ZPTU-2 14.5 mm twin anti-aircraft gun in a special turret.

The first texture he made is the Egyptian BTR-40A in color scheme they would have used in the 1950's and 60's.

Next we have another Egyptian BTR-40 with a tan and green camouflage from the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Lastly and probably the coolest looking texture is for the Syrian Army. The Syrians had an interesting camouflage where they would paint over the existing dark Soviet green with tan and grey.

But Illness88 didn't stop their. He also created this cool model and texture of a Soviet radio that we will add to the BTR-40 and other vehicles.

We are also starting to work on the first person views for our new weapons and vehicles. Most weapons and vehicles will have two first person camera views. The first camera is a generic view of a person sitting in the cockpit or seat of a vehicle or weapon.

The second camera, activated by hitting the zoom bottom will switch you to a scoped view of that weapon or vehicle if it has a sight/scope. This is the work in progress of the scoped view for the BTR-40A. We also want to have as many 3-D sights/scopes as possible. We think they look much better in game than a 2-D HUD does.

That's all for this update. Stay tuned for more!

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